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我喜欢阅读和民间传说. I chose Casti because of the community, which to me is the missing C. Immediately when I stepped onto campus and spoke to Casti students I noticed that regardless of a student's identity, everyone is welcoming and supportive of each others goals. 问我有关语文课程的问题, 茎的机会, and what it is like being a LatinX student at Casti!



我九年级时进入卡斯提列亚. 我是卡斯蒂水球游泳队的队员! I am also a leader in training for the ACE Org focusing on Lucile Packard Children's hospital. These are two things I sincerely enjoy and am passionate about. I have committed countless hours to these activities and would LOVE to talk about them with you!



看戏,打曲棍球,和朋友出去玩. I chose Castilleja because I loved the Idea of a school that empowered women, 卡斯蒂就是这么做的. 在参加之前,我听了很多人的意见, that all the teachers were so helpful and cared and would do their very best to help students understand a subject and that was very important for me.



随着我在正规网赌软件大全学习的不断进步, I still find myself divided between my love for both humanities and STEM. 像这样, 九年级的时候, I decided to participate in a myriad of extracurriculars related to both fields, which subsequently led to my joining the Castilleja robotics team. 作为大一新生, 对机械车间的概念完全陌生, 计算机辅助设计, 工程作为一个整体, I expected my commitment to the team to feel strenuous. 然而, 第一次走进实验室的时候, I realized that my hesitancy was out of place; the build leads fostered my ability to grow in a new environment, and led me down a path of further self-discovery regarding my interests.



我九年级时进入卡斯蒂. I love reading and volunteering outside of school. What brought me to Castilleja was the the supportive environment and I was inspired by the mission of the school. Ask me about cross country, track, my reproductive justice ACE Org, and DEIJ.





我喜欢阅读和打曲棍球. I have played lacrosse at Castilleja since sixth grade. I've gone from a completely inexperienced player that didn't even know lacrosse was a sport to a more skilled player who knows more about the game. 六年级的时候, lacrosse helped me get to know a lot of people in my grade better and helped me make friendships I still value. I also love how Casti has student coaches from upper school that lead practices and warm-ups. Lacrosse at Casti has helped me to build relationships with people from all grades and has lead to a lot of laughter filled practices.



我喜欢拍电影和打网球! I am involved in our Upper School Robotics team, Gatorbotics! 最初, I wasn't interested in STEM and subjects associated, but I decided that I wanted to take my passion for entrepreneurship and meld that with the robotics team. I am now the Entrepreneurship lead for our robotics team, and I have the opportunity to seek team memberships with companies and collaborate with underclassmen so they can additionally learn more about STEM and how to be 自信 in marketing!



Since I was little I always heard about how empowering it was to attend an all girls school like Castilleja, and when I stepped foot on campus for the first time when I shadowed, 我爱上了它. The tight-knit and supportive community is unmatched and the friendships and relationships I have created have not only opened many doors for me, but they have constantly provided me with a support system and second family. Castilleja has allowed me to find my passions and become a stronger leader. Ask me about my favorite Casti traditions, DEIJ, affinity groups (LatinX), and leadership on campus.



我会弹钢琴,编程,画画! I am committed to our robotics team at Castilleja(Gatorbotics), actively participating in the programming subteam. Our student-lead team has a mission to empower girls in the STEM field and provide guidance to our new members in the process of constructing a robot. Through our weekly meetings and collaborative efforts, we cultivate numerous strong friendships within our Castilleja community. Ask me about my experience entering Casti as a new 9th grader.



I chose Casti because of how welcomed I felt on my shadow day - I was amazed by how smart, 自信, 我遇到的每个女孩都很善良! I could feel the strength of the community from just that one day, and I knew I wanted to be a part of it (the AMAZING meatball subs didn't hurt either...). Ask me about athletics, social life, the history department, or the transition to 9th grade.



At Castilleja, I am the co-lead of the interest club Curieus. Curieus是一个全国性的学生领导组织, dedicated to diversifying the world of STEM by educating under-resourced youth through science based lessons. 每周五放学后, members of our club volunteer at the PAL center in Redwood City, leading lessons and experiments to create hands on experiences for elementary school students. 问我在Castilleja的DEIJ工作!



我喜欢背包旅行、烘焙和滑雪. 作为一个在帕洛阿尔托长大的女孩, I have always heard great things about Castilleja, especially about the tight knit community and being able to try anything. 我在小学的时候参加过卡斯蒂营, and automatically felt like Castilleja had a special place in my heart. Ask me about my favorite lunch at Casti or our peer tutoring club.